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  • Writer's pictureTM Swathy

Healthy Whole Wheat Pancakes

This delicious and fluffy pancake recipe has trace of irresistible vanilla and cinnamon is a healthy option as it is made using whole wheat flour. These pancakes are easy to make using simple ingredients and are very light and fluffy. Perfect for healthy breakfast.

I have served these pancakes with some honey and sugar dusting. Well I never thought of making pancakes at home is so easy a quick. As I've never tasted it before so I thought it might be like mini uttapam or dosa in sweeter version. SO I thought let's give it a try and I was amazed to see the golden fluffy cakes which were soft and spongy. I was feeling very proud that I made a popular american dish. So I'm going to share my recipe with you all.

Recipe For Home Made Pancakes:

Healthy Whole Wheat Pancakes


  • 2 cups Milk at room temperature

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence

  • 2 tsp butter melted

  • 2 cups whole wheat flour

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

  • A pinch of salt

  • 3 tsp powdered sugar

  • honey for serving


  1. Take 2 cups of milk in a bowl and squeeze half a lemon into it. Let it rest for 10 min to allow it to curdle.

  2. In a separate bowl mix all the dry ingredients.

  3. To the curdle milk add eggs,butter, vanilla extract and whisk it well.Add this mixture into the dry ingredients and fold them to combine using spatula. Add some water according to the consistency. Set the batter for rest for 5 mins.

  4. Heat a large nonstick pan over a medium low flame, drizzle some oil. for each pancake drop 2 tsp of the batter or large scoop spoon( 1spoon is enough).

  5. When at top bubbles starts to appear gently flip the pancake on the other side. Cook the pancakes until both the sides are golden brown. When both the sides are golden brown remove them from the pan and proceed to fry the pancakes in the same manner.

  6. Serve the pancakes warm with the drizzle of honer and some fruits.

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